viernes, 26 de junio de 2009

Impmon manga

Este es mi Impmon manga... Le di ese titulo porque asi quedaria si estuviera en un manga, o hiciera un manga sobre el...Esta ejecutando un poder con sus manos...y por estar llorando, parece que alguien hirio sus sentimientos, y esta dispuesto a destruir a esa persona...o digimon...Hecho a mano, con lapiz 4b, y tinta.

Ve este dibujo coloreado con Photoshop aca:


This is my Impmon manga... I gave Him this title because this way it would stay if it was in a manga, or it was doing a manga on...He is executing a power with his hands ... and for being cry, it seems that someone hurt his feelings, and it is ready to destroy this person ... or digimon...Done to hand, with pencil 4b, and it ink.

See this draw coloring whit Photoshop here.

Safe Creative #0906264058026

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